DGFT extends date for mandatory electronic filing of Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin
DGFT notifies that the transition period for mandatory filing of applications for Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin through the e-CoO platform has been further extended till 31st December, 2024.
Accordingly, the exporters and the Non-Preferential CoO issuing agencies as notified under Appendix-2E of the FTP would have the option to use the online system, the online application process shall not be mandatory till 31st December, 2024. In this interim period, the existing systems of processing non-preferential CoO applications in manual or paper mode is permitted.
The authorized issuing agencies are required to sensitize the exporting community and their constituents regarding the online eCoO platform and its registration requirements and also encourage the exporters to use the online eCoO platform.
Company Secretarial
DGFT Notifications
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