India's Leading DGFT Consultants

DGFT amends Yellow Peas Import Monitoring System

DGFT amends Yellow Peas Import Monitoring System

DGFT amends timelines and procedures for registration of imports of Yellow Peas by introducing these conditions:

  • Importer shall undertake YP-IMS registration within 7 days from the date of Bill of Lading or 7 days from the date of this Public Notice, whichever is later, instead of 5 days before the expected date of arrival of import consignment, as mentioned earlier
  • The details of Bill of Lading shall be declared in the YP-IMS registration. The details of Multiple Bills of Lading may be specified under a single YP-IMS registration.
  • It will be mandatory to upload all copies of the Bill of Lading during the process of registration. The Importer may choose to mask the details of the Exporter on the given copies of Bills of Lading.


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