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DGFT amends Para 4.06 and 4.14 of the Handbook of Procedures 2023.

DGFT amends Para 4.06 and 4.14 of the Handbook of Procedures 2023.

DGFT adds new sub-paras amending the Para 4.06 and 4.14 of the Handbook of Procedures 2023.

The added sub-paras are as follows:

  • A new sub-para 4.06 (vii) of Handbook of Procedures 2023 is inserted:

4.06 (vii). In cases where ad-hoc norms have already been arrived at by Norms Committee, the Norms Committee may recommend Notification of SION on a case-to-case basis.

  • Under Para 4.14 of Handbook of Procedure 2023, new sub-para (iii) is added:

4.14 (iii). Ad-hoc Input Output Norms may also be decided in a rule-based IT environment without reference to the Norms Committee. However, a certain percentage of cases as flagged by the RMS may be referred to the Norms Committee for Validation and Review.


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