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DGFT amends ITC(HS) Code and TRQ for Cotton under India-Aus ECTA

DGFT amends ITC(HS) Code and TRQ for Cotton under India-Aus ECTA

DGFT amends para 2.92 and Annexure-V of Appendix 2-A of Handbook of Procedures, 2023 under India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement revising the ITC(HS) Code of Cotton “52010020 (which has been deleted) to 52010024 and 52010025” and the Tariff Rate Quota to 51,000 MTs from the year 2023 onwards which is shown in the table below:


HS Code

Item Description under Ind-Aus ECTA

In Quota Rate

TRQ Quantity Calendar Year 2023 onwards




Cotton of minimum 28 mm staple length

0% Duty

51,000 MTs




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